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- An unidentified creature of the color of forsythia

- I ride'moly'.

- I like what's in Molly's mouth. (Molly's body is warm or something...)

- I have a lot of sleep.

- When you wake up, welcoming Holly is an unfamiliar space with embarrassed Molly.

- You can find your way before you get lost, but you fail every time because of sleep.

Sinkhole Studio | 싱크홀 스튜디오



- Orange furry, unknown creature

- I carry a'holy' on my back. (Sometimes I put it in my mouth and carry it around)

- It seems like you are not sleeping, but you are sleeping in many cases.

- I often move while I'm sleeping and get lost.

- I like cool things because my body has a lot of heat. (Ex: Shade, ice cream, ice, water …)

Sinkhole Studio | 싱크홀 스튜디오
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